2018 marked the 500th anniversary of De Grote Kerk in Alkmaar. The reason for the Church Board and the Municipality of Alkmaar to celebrate with a month-long exhibition. For this purpose, a scaffolding structure was designed, which was built on the nave of the church and across the ridge. Scaffolding was also erected around the spire so people could walk around it. A walkway was even constructed inside the church to provide a closer look at the special ceiling paintings.

  • Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands 
  • Customer: Koedooder B.V., Blokker   


  • Complete package of all scaffolding components including lattice beams for the ridge construction and spire
  • Public-friendly stair tower with corresponding fences
  • Steel decks for the accessible platforms with child-friendly fencing
  • New scaffolding material to make this prestigious event look stunning


AFIX NL is the ultimate total solution provider. At the time, AFIX NL was the only supplier able to deliver a total scaffolding package with maximum compatibility. 
Additional efforts were also made to make the project possible in relation to the budget available.

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