Hamad Airport Expansion project Doha - QATAR


In order to receive the FIFA World Cup Football / Soccer in 21 November - 21 December 2022, Hamad Airport is to be expanded with a brand-new Passenger Terminal Expansion Project (PTCE) ready to wellcome 35 million up to 65 million passengers per year. Glassline Industries counts on AFIX Group to raise safety and productivity on-site.

  • Location:  Doha, Qatar
  • Customer: Glassline Industries


  • HIA grid shell
  • Dome installation
  • Support, working and access system scaffolding materials
  • Scaffolding engineering
  • Assembly & dismantling of system scaffolding


AFIX Group introduced the X52 AFIXFAST system scaffolding and premium steel decks with anti-corrosion self-healing coating in order to provide support, working and access system scaffolding for the construction of the 3–storey terminal building expansion. This expansion project includes expansion of baggage handling, APM station, substructure for future connection to satellite terminal, underground services tunnel and utilities with a total project area of 537,259m².
The total covered scaffolding volume delivered by AFIX Group in Phase 1, 2 and 3 exceeds 280.000 m³.

Read more about this reference project


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