Circular construction scaffolding Istanbul - TR


A platform was built at a height of 50 m for the construction of a refinery tower at the Tüpraş Refinery in Kocaeli, Turkey. Scaffolding was also erected 360° around a petrochemical tank.

  • Location: Kocaeli, Turkey
  • Customer: Gemont, commissioned by Tüpras


  • Scaffolding design for temporary construction at a 50 m height
  • Adjacent circular construction and tower platform
  • System scaffolding material that can withstand harsh environments
  • Heavy load capacity at various locations at the same time
  • Material shipment in accordance with the assembly phases
  • Project follow-up


The AFIXFAST system was our preferred choice for this Tupras RUP project. This system scaffolding guarantees the safety of our employees at all times. What's more, system scaffolding is much faster and more efficient than pipe coupling systems.
While working on the high levels, we felt safe thanks to Afix. We had technical details and support in the field available to us at all times.


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