AFIX Türkiye is part of the international scaffolding manufacturer AFIX Group. Read more 


Craftsmanship is mastery.
At its training centre AFIX Group informs and instructs customers and users.
During instructive training sessions and practical workshops at the AFIX branches you can learn how to work safely with system scaffolding.

Afixfast scaffold training


The 'Efficient use of AFIX scaffolding systems' workshop combines theory and practice in exercises featuring the assembly and disassembly of diverse scaffolding structures such as stair scaffolding, hanging scaffolding and so on.

Scaffolding users
 & builders, competent persons such as basic and advanced scaffolding inspectors are required by law to follow a relevant scaffolding course. Workshops and courses are available to AFIX Group employees and customers.

New, upcoming workshops:

  • Scaffolding construction site management
  • Calculations and cost estimates using Avontus
  • AR/VR scaffolding simulations
  • Scaffolding construction regulations and standards
Afixfast scaffolding demo


A number of AFIX branches have a permanent training and demo facility.
The realistic building site constructions enable us to inform our customers by:

  • Visualising system scaffolding solutions and options
  • Applying scaffolding innovation and accessories
  • Demonstrating efficient, scaffolding construction working methods and sharing knowledge

Afix Group videoacademy


AFIX Group makes various instructional videos available online.
These tutorials are divided according to the level and subject:

  • Basic knowledge of scaffolding construction
  • Advanced scaffolding construction
  • Scaffolding construction innovation

More videos can be found on our  channel

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