AFIX Group UK Ltd is part of the international scaffolding manufacturer AFIX Group. Read more 


In today's business landscape, Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria have taken center stage, reflecting the growing concern for sustainable and ethical business practices. Companies are realizing that embracing ESG is not just a trend, but a fundamental responsibility that can lead to long-term success. Afix Group is proud to be at the forefront of this movement, with a comprehensive ESG strategy that includes robust compliance policies. 

"Afix Group firmly believes that ESG principles are integral to achieving sustainable growth and creating value for all stakeholders. ESG represents a holistic approach to business, incorporating environmental considerations, social responsibilities, and governance practices. As a dynamic player in the scaffolding industry, we understand that our actions have a profound impact on the world. Therefore, we've made a steadfast commitment to incorporate ESG principles into our daily operations and corporate culture."

Stephan Hillaert, CEO
November 2023


Long-term thinking and sustainability are at the core of our growth division.
We look at sustainability and ESG themes in a holistic and organisation-wide way.
We believe they are co-drivers of our economic success.

Our policy is built around four pillars

  • Climate action: We want to realise our economic and social value with as little environmental impact as possible. Therefore, in line with the EU Green Deal, we will reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and products.

  • Quality: We aim to satisfy customers by delivering quality in an efficient manner. We guarantee this through our focus on efficient processes and product certification.

  • People first: Innovative ideas, employee expertise and energy are key to developing Afix Group for the future and maintaining our leading position in the European market. Our people are our most valuable asset that we treat with great care.

  • Corporate Responsibility: We follow the guidelines prescribed by CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and develop adequate procedures for risk management, corruption, antitrust, ethics, supplier relations, ...

Afix Group sustainability plan

Read our action plan


Corruption is a global issue that undermines economic stability, distorts competition, and threatens social development. At Afix Group, we take a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. Our Anticorruption Compliance document outlines our strategies for preventing corruption at all levels of our organization.

  • Prevention: We have a comprehensive prevention strategy that includes robust internal controls, employee training, and regular audits to identify and mitigate corruption risks.

  • Sales Support: Afix Group is committed to fair and transparent sales practices. Our sales support guidelines ensure that our interactions with customers and partners are ethical and compliant with all legal requirements.

  • Invitations & Gifts: Our guidelines regarding invitations and gifts provide clear instructions to our employees on how to handle offers or requests that may raise corruption concerns. We strive for transparency in all our business relationships.


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Sales support

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Afix Group - diamond

invitations & gifts

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Antitrust laws are designed to promote fair competition, prevent monopolies, and safeguard consumer interests. Afix Group is dedicated to adhering to these laws and promoting healthy competition within our industry. Our Antitrust Compliance document highlights our approach to compliance in this critical area.

  • Law: We ensure that we are fully compliant with all applicable antitrust laws and regulations in the regions where we operate. This includes merger control, price-fixing, and other anticompetitive practices.

  • Competition: We believe that healthy competition is essential for innovation and customer choice. Our policies encourage fair competition and prohibit any practices that could harm the competitive landscape.

  • Conduct: Afix Group's commitment to antitrust conduct includes fostering a culture of fair competition and accountability. We promote ethical behavior and conduct training to ensure all employees understand their responsibilities in this regard.


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Afix Group not only ensures legal compliance but also fosters a culture of integrity, fairness, and transparency. We are dedicated to creating an environment in which all stakeholders can have confidence in our ethical conduct and commitment to ESG values.

Afix Group will continue to work to achieve its ESG goals, recognizing that they are not just a set of standards to meet but a path to a more sustainable and responsible future.

As you seek further information on ESG, anticorruption, antitrust, and compliance, remember that Afix Group is your reliable partner in responsible business practices and ethical conduct.

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