AFIX Group UK Ltd is part of the international scaffolding manufacturer AFIX Group. Read more 

Sports car showroom Cookham - UK


PT Sports Cars provides a full service for the road, track or race driver. They specialize in buying and selling Caterham, Ginetta, Lotus, Westfield and other specialist sports cars. 
For the showroom of Caterham sportscars, PT Sports Cars needed elevated platforms that easily carry heavy loads.

  • Location: Cookham, UK
  • Customer: PT Sports


  • Short-term rental and delivery of a complete package of system scaffolding components
  • Assembly/disassembly/inspection
  • Double ledgers base with steel floor


We definitely needed a safe and modular solution to store and present our Caterham sport cars.
The AFIX multidirectional scaffold systeem was mounted very quick and carries without any problem our sport cars.
The perfect showroom combination at an affordable price setting.  

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